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Light of Hope
Focusing on Community Integration for Adults with Diverse Abilities
JULY - 2023


Friday, July 21st - Parent Appreciation Day

Saturday, October 7th - Do
nor Appreciation Night
                (Cocktails & More)

Saturday, December 9th -Christmas Performance

Happy Birthday
in focus

Hannah F.

Our limelight this month is on Hannah F.  Her quote is: "It is always a great idea to help the environment!"
Hannah loves attending the Light of Hope Program where she gets to hang out with her friends, sing karaoke, and dance.  Her favorite activity is volunteering at James Storehouse in Newbury Park because they collect donations to help others and she enjoys helping others herself.

Hannah, Light of Hope is happy to have you as one of our participants!


Remedial education will be introduced and implemented in our daily program that will enhance our clients' goals and learning opportunities. 


Last week, Light of Hope participants experienced the 'Water is Life' exhibition at the Griffith Observatory.
"It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change."   HRM Queen Elizabeth II


Celebrating our uniqueness as individuals helps us to relate and harmonize with others.  It allows us to shine on those needing encouragement during challenging times.  Because everyone has special gifts and abilities; they just come in different shapes and forms.  Some people's smiles light up rooms; others speak kind words that lift spirits into higher places of joy and happiness.  Our empowerment doesn't always come from success...but in never giving up when things don't go as planned.  And by being patient with ourselves and others, we can truly be ourselves: unique in every way.
Scott Naslund
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